Time: 2022-11-27 21:35:09Author: phanstormize

panas-panas pun kadang2 kena sejukkan diri juga

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Time: 2022-11-28 14:03:33Author: dokkaebi

  Reminds me of a video by Soviet Womble. Forget the name of the game, but it was an FPS shooter, and EVERY time he reloaded, an enemy somehow appeared right in front of him and killed him. Even showi...

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Advance server UPdate : Pharsa
Time: 2022-11-27 23:27:36Author: Frenzy Official

Advance server UPdate : Pharsa Ult (The 4rd skill) nerfed . Cooldown : 18s >> 23s 5s extra cd on her only mobility skill -Mohd

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Hororo Chan live stream
Time: 2022-11-28 00:00:34Author: Frenzy Official

If you are interested in Hororo's real voice then check his channel's latest live video titled "Surprise Test Stream" Credit to Hororo Chan YT -Mohd

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Advance server UPdate : Carmilla
Time: 2022-11-27 22:55:29Author: Frenzy Official

Advance server UPdate : Carmilla Ult nerfed . Link's slow effect : 60% >> 30% . Cooldown : 40s - 30s >> 48s - 40s Plus 8s (Early Game) 10s (Late Game) Well she is really OP (actually almost broken) a...

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Starlight membership revamp
Time: 2022-11-25 21:15:06Author: Frenzy Official

Starlight Member Revamp (Update) Starlight cards are back with 2 versions •Normal Version : 300💎 (Can ask or give to a friend) •Premium version : 750💎 (Can ask or give to a friend) (Price may chan...

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New hero splash art
Time: 2022-11-25 12:41:45Author: Frenzy Official

Introducing Arlott a new fighter to make his debut soon... Probably this December The Thorn Warrior👹 -Mohd

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Advance server UPdate : Fanny
Time: 2022-11-27 22:55:09Author: Frenzy Official

Advance server UPdate : Fanny Attribute & Passive nerfed while 1st skill get sad buff Attribute . Base HP : 2526 >> 2426 Minus 100 HP points Passive . Damage increased with flying speed : 15% - 30 ...

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Time: 2022-11-27 12:39:52Author: phanstormize

Kadang-kadang ganas. Kadang-kadang comel.

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Which one do you think looks better?
Time: 2022-11-26 22:50:41Author: molan is coming

This is the picture I originally designed A lot has changed since then. Wanwan in the next video has a total of 24 kills and 5 legendary. OR This is...forget it, let's move on to the next one. This ti...

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Favourite hero UI revamp
Time: 2022-11-25 21:44:18Author: Frenzy Official

New revamped favourite hero UI Only Rank win rate and data will be featured -Mohd

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New Avatar Border
Time: 2022-11-25 14:34:48Author: Frenzy Official

Upcoming new Avatar Border The Purple one is the upcoming revamped STARLIGHT border. The Red'ish one is the upcoming revamped Hanabi border because she will be next Season's main character Picture cre...

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The shortest Overide I ever played [7:33]
Time: 2022-11-25 10:34:37Author: Amadeus

Its just took 7 minutes 33 seconds to win this game. I dont believe it but because of this is overide my team heroes pick is great enough in overide mode even terizla buff also strong in overide you k...

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2022 Reforge Your Legend winner
Time: 2022-11-24 23:30:02Author: Frenzy Official

Moskov wins this time's Reforge Your Legend🎉😁🎉 At least Beatrix or Chou didn't won 🤔😊 Thanks to all those who voted for Moskov And guess we have to wait another 1-2 years to meet the new "Moskopi" -Mo...

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MLBB Thanksgiving event
Time: 2022-11-24 20:52:42Author: Frenzy Official

Thanksgiving Gift Log-in for 4 days straight to claim Free avatar borders (choose 1 out of 4) Starting from today👹 -Mohd

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MLBB Offline Mode is available now!
Time: 2022-11-24 20:51:11Author: Frenzy Official

Just reminding you that MLBB offline mode is now available👹 Enter MLBB after your Internet connection is turned off and you will asked if you want to enter offline mode. Offline Mode : . Currently onl...

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