Dance together 💃💃💃
Time: 2023-06-06 23:15:30Author: Rendang ayam25

Event baru ni dah buka ye koranng. Boleh tengok tutorial dia. Actually game ni mengingatkan saya masa event blackpink dulu, klik button ikut masa yg betul sambil menari. Just ikut rentak dia dan cuba ...

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Free ELITE Tier Skin
Time: 2023-06-10 18:44:13Author: Frenzy Official

Another Free Skin Event Pre-register to get Free Surprise Box token. -Mohd

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Time: 2023-06-03 17:27:33Author: phanstormize

Copy-pasted heroes in Pokemon background and blurred them 16-bits and Moonton be calling it 'Pixel-art' 😩

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Dinasour Terbang
Time: 2023-06-10 18:25:15Author: Dapur Comel

Sumpah sis tak suka si dinosaur terbang ni😑 time² kita tengah syok berperang confirm ada je dia ni duk terbang ats kepala! Ehhh check line ke tuuu?? Bijak kau kan!😪 Korang pernah kena tak dgn dia ni? ...

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Happy Rainy Sale 🌧🌧🌧 09-06~22-06
Time: 2023-06-10 19:20:34Author: Rendang ayam25

Ada misi baru untuk dibuat di event ni. Untuk sesiapa yang berminat dengan outfit2 lama yg ditawarkan, boleh beli dengan uc diskaun. 4 outfit yg ditawarkan semua baju lama. Punk set yg warna merah tu ...

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Weapon AR kesukaan ramai
Time: 2023-06-09 07:45:57Author: Dapur Comel

Antara 3 weapon AR ni, mana satu weapon yg selalu korang guna? Sekarang M16A4 tu dah boleh tukar mod kpd "auto" jd menyenangkn lg player yg sukakan weapon ni. Kalau sis M416 je yg sentiasa jd pujaan h...

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The Return Of Surprise Box Event
Time: 2023-06-10 18:43:32Author: Frenzy Official

Surprise Box event is back again! Lesley's Angelic Agent (LEGEND Tier) will be one of the exchangeable skins available this time. "I wonder when Granger's Starfall Knight will be available again?" 👹 -...

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Most Kill
Time: 2023-06-08 18:15:58Author: Dapur Comel

Setakat ni berapa je most kill yg korang dah dapat? Agak2 ape je tips untuk dapatkan most kill yg banyak... Untuk kali ni sis bru dpt kejar 11 killed je pling banyak🥲 Ada yg boleh kongsikan?? 🥰

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T-Rex 🦖
Time: 2023-06-09 09:52:32Author: Bagaikan Langit

Selain dari boleh pijak musuh dan guna untuk naik atas atap/tempat tinggi. Apa kelebihan yang korang selalu manfaatkan dengan menggunakan T-Rex ni? Meh share.

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Novaria's Comic
Time: 2023-06-09 23:28:00Author: Frenzy Official

"Do not pray to the stars. They never care." This is what was taught in the first class of Novaria in Eruditio. It burst everyone's fantasy bubble for the distant stars. After everyone's left, little ...

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Revamped Emblem System Poll
Time: 2023-06-09 18:26:43Author: Frenzy Official

Result : The Revamped Emblem System WINS the poll by 18 Hundred Thousand more votes than the old emblem So~ espect the revamped emblem system soon 👹 -Mohd

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Atlas Rune Sentinel's Review
Time: 2023-06-08 09:58:04Author: GG MLBB

Atlas Rune Sentinel's Survey And Skill Effects. (MSC Tier) #mlbbsurvey #GG #mlbb These designs doesn't have their own names so I'll be naming them myself. For HD quality picture check my 1Play acc Su...

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Time: 2023-06-08 01:35:44Author: molan is coming

Dah lama tak jumpa 5 mage dalam satu team, boleh menang! ? ? ? ?

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