Last Creation Camp
Time: 2022-10-06 15:34:30Author: Amadeus

Like usual its CD 100% so other than using Ling and Kaja, cuba lak try tower pusher like Bane Spam ULT je keje and no one cant stop me pushing tower hahaha But at the same time felt regret gak la sbb ...

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Hidden camping Places in Livik #1 | Tips & Tricks
Time: 2022-10-05 17:03:15Author: Rendang daging26

This Place is located in East Port.There is model boat ⛵is located at water side. You Can you follow the given instructions in picture and camp on the top of the boat ⛵. Sometimes during rank push you...

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This is it! (PMPL SEA League Week 2 Day 1 review)
Time: 2022-10-06 17:29:54Author: SlideDog

This is the GeekFam we all know! Malaysia team currently has two representative in the Top 5 (Geek and YALL) while Thailand has one (BAC) and Indonesia has 2 (AE and GD). AlterEgo Tops the chart witho...

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The most thrilling game in the world
Time: 2022-10-05 23:29:23Author: molan is coming If you like my channel, you can also subscribe, although most of my typing is in Chinese, but sometimes a few videos will be in English.

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Funny enemy
Time: 2022-10-05 23:42:21Author: Julian

I like how the enemies were doing in the whole match. at the start of the game, 4 enemies tried to invade our jungle but ended up not getting any of my buff and yet they’re all killed. after that they...

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This is the power of couples!
Time: 2022-10-06 00:32:11Author: molan is coming

When I was alone in solo queue, it was basically very bad. But everything has changed since my boyfriend came to double row with me! Feeling a mysterious force supporting me, I started win...

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Teka hero #2
Time: 2022-10-04 15:59:28Author: Bx3 MFO

Cuba korang teka hero apa pulak yang ni? Beri pendapat juga tentang hero ni. Best ke guna?

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PMPL in South Asia region 👀🏆
Time: 2022-10-04 00:06:16Author: Apanz

While we wait for our PMPL SEA Championship to resume, let's take a little look at PMPL in the South Asia region, in which both the regional leagues of South Asia and Pakistan has ended simultaneously...

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Thai domination
Time: 2022-10-01 16:51:04Author: SlideDog

After the end of Day 3, Thailand has all their teams in Top 10, which shows their dominant in this PMPL SEA so far. Malaysia teams in the other hand, still repeating the same pattern, although it is u...

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The Pittsburgh Knights' reign 🎠
Time: 2022-10-06 00:00:32Author: Apanz

Let's now take a look at the PMPL North America region! The Pittsburgh Knights is a north-american team that has played since 2019. After 4 seasons of PMPL NA, they finally were able to lift the troph...

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So Close yet So Far
Time: 2022-10-05 21:12:59Author: SlideDog

GD GIDS has got themselves a chicken dinner for Indonesia today, it was a very intense fight between 4RVL and GD GIDS for the chicken dinner,and ultimately GD GIDS got it... (15PP 11KP TP26) Alan was ...

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Time: 2022-10-05 21:59:06Author: SlideDog

OH.MY.GOD you all have no idea how much excitement I'm feeling right now after seeing Yoodo Alliance getting a chicken dinner for Malaysia. This marks the 2nd chicken Malaysia for today, tbh my hope w...

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Ranked progress 😈
Time: 2022-10-04 23:59:29Author: dokkaebi

It took me 5 days and 6 winning streaks (hopefully can go little bit more longer 🤓)to reach Master and I’ve started feeling little bit more challenging. For now, Hanabi and Miya are my fav go-to as th...

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