Time: 2022-09-22 16:43:52Author: Kelapa Keliru

New user to the app, Looking forward to fun activities around here 😉

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New upgrades to Erangel
Time: 2022-09-17 15:03:14Author: runn3r

Baru tengok upgrade2 baru dkt Erangel. Banyaknya pertukaran di hospital. Yg buat voiceover tu asyik cakap "hospital," "hospital" wkwkwk Apakah upgrade yg korang paling suka? I paling suka basikal. hah...

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PGL reveals TI11 Last Chance Qualifier groups
Time: 2022-09-23 06:03:31Author: 1Play DOTA2 News

We have our first glimpse at the cutthroat The International 11 Last Chance Qualifiers.12 of the second and third-placed teams from the Regional Qualifiers are clinging onto their last hopes to attend...

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RabuPadu rewards
Time: 2022-09-21 20:38:57Author: Rendang ayam25

Hai semua. Harap post ni dibenarkanlah ye. Setelah cuba mengejar rabu padu week 5, dapatlah masuk dlm top 100 overall ranking ni tapi jauh sangat dengan orang yang point no 1. Pastu dptlh juga baucer ...

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[#ILoveErangel] Week 1 Winners
Time: 2022-09-22 23:57:42Author: 1Play

Congratulations to the week 1 winners of the #ILoveErangel contest! Top 3 posts (180UC each): 1. 2. 3. Continue to share your favourite scenes of Erangel to win more rewards!

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Pro Camper | PUBGM Meme
Time: 2022-09-21 10:56:38Author: Rendang daging26

Some time pro camper use Tricks and Kill you suddenly and increase heart beat 😄.

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MY Flare Drop
Time: 2022-09-21 11:38:24Author: Malik hanzla

When My flare drop is comes and My teammates looting drop and I got nothing from drop.

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Premium Crate terbaru👍
Time: 2022-09-21 11:44:46Author: KimchiXPetai

Premium Crate terbaru 👋 Boleh try bagi yg berminat.... Kali ni kena wish² jugak mcm classic plak dah...🤭🤭 Ada yg dah try? Korang dpt apa? Skin DP lama kuar kat situ..DP upgrade..lawa.. Berminat boleh ...

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Time: 2022-09-21 12:42:23Author: Kaya toast4887

Only Legend Know 😜

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Time: 2022-09-21 13:42:51Author: Pisang Putih

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Scarlet Shadow Set
Time: 2022-09-22 08:25:01Author: Bagaikan Langit

Scarlet Shadow Set hanya 150uc, Macam biasa dah beli terus guna untuk selesaikan misi di Exclusive Treasure ✌️

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