Melissa's Optimum Build

Apr 11 · Moderator

Are you looking to up your game with Melissa, the marksman of the Forsaken Light? As someone who considers Melissa their second main hero 💙(Lunox being the first), I'm here to share some tips and tricks to help you dominate the battlefield!

First things first, let's talk about Melissa's strengths. She's a real powerhouse in the laning phase, thanks to her poking potential. To make the most of this, I recommend using the Bravery, Agility, and Quantum Charge emblems. Bravery and Agility give you a boost in physical attack and movement speed, respectively, which will enable you to trade significant damage with the opponent's marksman. And with Quantum Charge, you'll be able to restore some of your HP as you attack.😎

Now, let's talk about battle spells. I recommend going with Inspire - it's the perfect fit for Melissa's playstyle. With additional attack speed, physical penetration, and lifesteal, you'll be able to dish out some serious damage while keeping yourself alive. Of course, if you're looking for more survivability, Flicker is always a good option.

When it comes to boots, it depends on your playstyle. If you have trustworthy teammates who can protect you in a teamfight, go for Swift Boots. But if you're looking for some added protection, I suggest Tough Boots. Its unique passive reduces slow duration by 30%, which is a lifesaver against some of the scarier CC skills out there.🔥

Finally, let's talk about items. If you want to deal sustainable damage from early to late game, you can't go wrong with Demon Hunter Sword, Corrosion Scythe, Wind of Nature, Haas's Claws, and Blade of Despair. These items will give you the edge you need to take down your opponents and lead your team to victory.

So there you have it - my top tips for playing Melissa like a pro (wannabe).

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