Kaya toast4887
Apr 09

Overall results from the second section of the PMPL eu 2023 championship after four days. It is no longer an easy fight for any squad because they are all equally correct and playing in the world championship against the best in the world.Show your support for your favourite teams in the chat.Which eight teams are entered in the PMPL European CHAMPIONShIP?
Major Pride impresses on the fourth day of Phase 2. They do one chicken dinner today and receive 138 points in the overall rankings, putting them first on Day 4.

On the fourth day of competition,Game Lord scored 137 points. On the fourth day, they consume one chicken dinner. They perform an outstanding job. They were almost first before dropping to second overall.

AAR Esports performs quite well on Day 4. On the fourth day, they earned 136 points, putting them very close to the top of the rankings. They are currently rated third overall.

In terms of game play on the fourth day, two teams put on particularly good performances, allowing them to advance and into the top three ranks. They were formerly in danger, but are now in the safe zone.One is Game Lord; they played very well on the fourth day, eating one chicken dinner and received 137 points in the overall rankings. They get 44 points today. On Day Four, AAR Esports is the second team, displaying a Class of Game Play. On Day 4, they receive 50 points.His player LMNTRIX has 11 eliminations, which is why he is ranked third overall.

Which is your Favorite team? What you think which team will Win PMPL EU 2023 ChampionShip?

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