Daily Topic : How to counter Lancelot in current patch?

Mar 31

Today we are going to discuss about how to fight against Lancelot as his new meta that is Lancelot Tank are widely used in ranked games and also in MPLMY matches.

Lancelot already have damage as his passive Soul Cutter will increase his damage by 7.5% for each dash or blink he make (up to 30%). So currently Lancelot Tank meta is widely use as his skill can clear jungle fast with the help of the item Molten Essence and Guardian Helmet plus with Jungle Emblem that is Demon Slayer. Making him tanky enough to contest objective such as Turtle or Lord, and have massive damage to steal objective as well.

So how we going to fight against Lancelot Tank meta?.

Here are 3 heroes I recommend to use when against the meta.

1. Alice

Strangely enough, Alice Jungle are also in meta right now and can fight against Lancelot very well in terms of teamfight and contesting objective. With her high sustain ability especially her ultimate Blood Ode, she wont easily be taken down plus keep dealing damage on the process. Making Lancelot had to disengage from the fight if its going too long.

2. Minsitthar

The new Revamp Minsitthar is very menancing as his Passive Mark of the King can stack up to 5 times and stun them. His ultimate King's Calling also one of the best Lancelot counter as he cannot dash or blink when inside the field casted for period of time. Thus will have enough time for damage dealer to take down Lancelot down.

3. Karrie

Karrie will be out Marksman choice again as she is a Anti - Tank marksman. With her passive ability Lightwheel Mark, will be able to take down Lancelot fast enough. Plus with the revamp item Sea Halberd that increase ur damage up to 8% when against enemy that has higher Extra HP than you. Mix it with Demon Hunter Sword plus Golden Staff, can wreck any tanky heroes , Lancelot Tank included.

What do you guys think? Have better strats, hero or tactics do you want to share? Let us know comment down below.

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