GPT-4 powered app with minimal human coding on App Store

Mar 25

Morten Just, a developer, has created an app called "5 Movies" using GPT-4 technology, which recommends five movies to users every day. The app uses only 2-5% of human-written code and was developed with SwiftUI. Just gave simple requirements to ChatGPT, which generated code that he modified before submitting the app for review.

The app's interface is simple, but it provides all the necessary information about the recommended movies, such as plot summary, trailers, and where to watch them. It is currently available on the App Store and has received positive reviews.

The success of this app demonstrates the potential of GPT technology to reduce app development costs and increase efficiency by automating coding tasks. As GPT technology continues to evolve, it is expected to have a significant impact on the development of software and applications.

Source: ithome

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