What is the decent level for an emblem?

Mar 22 · Moderator

I am a newbie who has been playing Mobile Legends for 3 weeks, and I am currently stuck in Epic V. I have been a Dota 2 player for a long time, so I understand the basics of MOBAs. I have noticed that the pace of Mobile Legends is much quicker (I guess no one wants a 40-minute game). I love the straightforward farm mechanic, simple itemization, distinct roles, and beautiful skins of MLBB.
The thing that bugs me the most for me is the emblem system. Each role is encouraged to use its respective emblem in order to maximize the hero's potential. I have noticed that some players have their emblems maxed out at level 60. As a new player, my emblem level is still very low. What is a decent level for an emblem to stay competitive with OG players? I'm determined to learn the game, but I'm curious to see how far I can get with a lower level emblem.

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