GPT-4 is bigger and better than ChatGPT

Mar 15

Microsoft has officially announced that their Bing Chat has upgraded to use OpenAI's latest GPT-4 technology. The new Bing Chat has been "customized for search" and users can try it out by visiting According to Yusuf Mehdi, the Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Microsoft, the Bing Chat is now running on GPT-4 and users who have used the new Bing Preview version in the past five weeks have already experienced the early version of this powerful model. Microsoft previously only stated that Bing Chat used its own Prometheus model and "a new next-generation OpenAI large language model". It is unclear if Microsoft will add the image-text combination feature of OpenAI's GPT-4 technology.

Source: MIT Technology Review, Twitter

What do you think about Microsoft's adoption of OpenAI's GPT-4 technology in its Bing Chat and its potential impact on the future of search and chatbot technologies?

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