Regarding Fu Yang's father's death...

molan is coming
Mar 14

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Chapter 1:Fu Yang's father's death…

"wa!!!" When Fu Yang got up he saw his dad standing in his bed making a face, startling the newly awake Fu Yang. "My baby boy, what time is it~ Get up for school!" Fu Yang's dad opened the curtains and winked at Fu Yang as he spoke. After that, Fuyang quickly cleaned up and went out with his little school bag. "Take care, son! Be careful of falling down!" Although Fu Yang's father was a bit old, he was very cute and loved Fu Yang very much. One day 3 years ago, the bad thing was finally discovered by Fuyang's dad, who on impulse smashed his mother's head with a finished bottle and was sentenced to 3 years in jail. The mother was treated in the hospital for 3 days and was nowhere to be found. At that time, Fuyang was only 5 years old!

In the evening, when school was finally over, 8-year-old Fuyang went to a big tree in the dark forest and leaned against it, taking out his lunchbox from his school bag and eating it. Every time at this time,yuan would slide down the vine from the tree to eat together. But this day something irreversible happened, when he returned home and opened the door ,he see his dad with a lion dance suit on his head and a rope tied around his neck hanging in the air. There was also a long knife mark on his chest. Fuyang looked at the incredible and disgusting scene and screamed because mites had grown on his dad's chest. It was obvious that Fuyang's dad was assassinated and should have been killed in the morning. At this time there happened to be police officers on patrol nearby, and they heard the screams and rushed over to Fu Yang's house.And they happened to pass by Fu Yang who rushed out of the house.

the next chapter:

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