Freya Buffed

Frenzy Official
Mar 11

Advance server UPdate : Revamped Freya
1st and 2nd skill buffed

1st skill
. Players can now jump/move through obstacles such as walls more easily using 1st skill

2nd skill
. Airborne duration : 0.5s >> 0.4s

. Shield : 100 - 150 (+ 40% Extra Phy Atk) >>
120 - 260 (+70% Extra Phy Atk)

. Base Damage : 50 - 100 (+ 50% Extra Phy Atk)
>> 80 - 230 (+ 90% Extra Phy Atk)

. Final Damage : 100 - 200 (+100% Extra Phy Atk) >> 121 - 276 (+106% Extra Phy Atk)

. Reduced the third hit's foreswing time

All buffed except for 2nd skill's Airborne duration which is still ok👍


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