Bill Gates got a new phone, but it's not a Microsoft phone..

Jan 16

Bill Gates is still not using iPhone! Bill Gates has repeatedly stated that he has never used iPhone and is a fan of Android phones. And recently, he even revealed that he has changed his new phone, but I did not expect that the replacement is still not his own Microsoft's phone, but "it".
According to Android Authority, Bill Gates revealed that he was using Samsung's Galaxy Z Fold3 when he was asked by netizens in Reddit forum last year.

This year he was asked the same question again on the Reddit forum. The new phone was a gift from Samsung's executive chairman Lee Jae-yong, who said he still had the Samsung brand, but had upgraded from last year's Galaxy Z Fold3 to the latest Galaxy Z Fold4.

In addition, Bill Gates also said that he doesn't need to use a tablet because the Galaxy Z Fold4 has a large enough screen when it's open. He often uses Outlook and a lot of Microsoft software on his phone, and he also said he compensates for carrying 3C products such as a phone and a Windows laptop.

The company also said that the next generation of Microsoft's Surface Duo 3 phone will abandon the dual screen and use a folding screen similar to Samsung's. The internet user also asked Bill Gates on Reddit to confirm the matter, but he has not yet given a clear answer.

I wonder if you prefer Android or Apple phones? Share it with me in the comments section!

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