[PMGC] Roller Coaster Leaderboard

Jan 08 · Moderator

A day after GrandFinals begins,we can start seeing some teams improving and some just dropped their momentum. There are indeed some amazing gameplays from many players,but there are also some funny moments caused by stress😂

Some of the highlights today is NV Paraboy wiping his squad with grenades in match 3,and BRUTiger misthrew a grenade and ate it himself😂

That being said The current Top 3 is occupied by 2 Brazil teams and 1 Turkey team. (A7,S2G,iNCO) We can see A7 and iNCO keeping their momentum, while INFce dropped all the way to 8th.🤔

Malaysia representative,GeekFam in the other hand, actually did decent in early matches,but fell short on the last two matches and dropped from 7th to 13th. Country invited team, AlterEgo Limax also gotten themselves a chicken dinner which boost their rank from last to 15th (doesn't make a difference anyways,but still good to mention)✨

But the most improved award is definitely Nova Tencent who ended #12 on first day and rising all the way up to #5 on the second day, they're definitely cooking something up the longer you left them be...👀👀👀

Tomorrow's the last day, will Nova be able to keep their throne? Or will it be a birth of a New Champion?

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