Daily Topic: How to counter Cecilion

Dec 16

Cecilion is said to be the hardest to counter because of his “stackable” damage. However, there are still a few ways to counter him.

To counter this magical late game monster, you must know how his skills works. His passive allows him to have more mana and increases his damage based on his mana. His first skill deals the biggest damage to the enemy at the end of his skill range but the damage is halved at close distance. His second skill is simply a light control skill. His ultimate allows him to deal small damage but he’s able to regenerate his HP when his ultimate is active. Note that his ultimate is unstoppable, even heroes with suppression effects like Kaja and Franco wouldn’t stop him with their ultimates.

The first thing to counter him is to buy some items. Athena shield is suitable to counter his first skill and Radiant armor is suitable to counter his ultimate. Please consider buying both if you have 2 magic defence item slot and if you only have 1 slot for it, go for athena shield as his 1st skill deals more damage. The heroes can also buy item to counter his HP regeneration during his ultimate, such as sea halberd, necklace of durance and dominice ice.

Now, lets move on to heroes. The heroes that can counter him is simply those who can get close to him. Most assassins are a good option because they can get close to him and burst him down easily. Since he doesn’t have any mobility skills, heroes with dashes skill can counter him easily by dashing a lot to avoid his attack.

Last but not least, you can adjust your playstyle when enemy got a Cecilion on their team. Cecilion can deal high damage to heroes in late game, but his damage to turrets are very less. You can opt for a spilt push strategy and end the game earlier before his damage starts to hurt. try to end the game early if they have a Cecilion.

What do you think about Cecilion? Is he a scary late game monster or just a squishy sitting duck? Comment your thoughts and let me know! I will share how to “counter the counter” as a Cecilion main who has played him for more than 1000 matches next post!

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