ASPIRANT Ruby Mecha Maiden review

Dec 04

ASPIRANT Ruby Mecha Maiden's skill effects and WP.

"No one can take you from me"

Interactive idle (Touch the Scythe)
"Wait! What happened?... Ah! It's here!"

Interactive idle (Touch her forehead)
"Stop it! Want some of this?!"

Interactive idle (Touch her left hand)
"Alright... No one's here... Let me.. Oh!.. Ahem!"

Passive indicator

"We Aspirants will take care of everything!"

"They wore the disguises for so long that they forgot what they really are"

"Don't look back! Just go forward and be yourself"

Model & Skill Effects/SFX are all extremely good, just the way an ASPIRANTS tier should be like.
Truly worth every dias spend!

Price : Roughly 7500 dias (can be lowered using daily discounts and tokens)

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