Daily Topic : How to fight Atlas in current patch.

Dec 08

Lets talk about Atlas and what to use to counter him.

Usually this hero always get banned in rank, but if its available and the enemy picked it up, what are the best counter?

Lets understand his function 1st.

1. Most picked hero if goes for teamfight
2. Not very durable
3. Has many disable (passive, 2nd skill and ulti)
4. Flicker reliability
5. Great instant AOE CC.

so how we gonna counter?

usually player choose this hero to counter as his universal counter. that is Diggie.

1. Diggie

Diggie is always the best counter for big AOE CC especially Atlas that can catch 5 hero at once with his ultimate. Since Diggie ultimate is a AOE skills that can purify and make teammate immune to cc for certain time (except kaja and franco since suppress CC cant be purified), Diggie is the best choice to counter Atlas.

but what if Diggie been banned?

here are the 3 hero most recommended especially countering Atlas since he is mainly focus on teamfight.

1. Lunox

Lunox are hard to catch especially when her ultimate is active, that is Brilliance, where she can be immune for any damage and cc for while. And that makes Atlas having hard time to catch Lunox while taking damage.

2. Martis

Martis have long duration of cc immune thanks to his 2nd skill sequence. Atlas always having a hard time to fight especially when Martis is there.

and lastly

3. Minotaur

After the revamp, his ultimate makes him immune to CC and thus can counter initate when Atlas going for Flicker + Ultimate. Since Atlas heavily rely on his teammate to follow up his initiation, Minotaur can easily disrupt the combo by using ultimate and make enemy nearby are knocked up. Timing is the key.

Dont forget to always use Purify if wanna escape from Atlas ulti. But mind ur cooldown and Atlas ultimate cooldown as well.

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