All you need to know about Cavern Crawl in the 2022 Battle Pass

1Play DOTA2 News
Nov 10

The Dota 2 annual Battle Pass often includes many events, challenges, and fun perks These also include the Cavern Crawl, a game of myriad quests for a taste of exclusive rewards.

If you are wondering what exactly is Cavern Crawl and how to play it, read more below!

Cavern Crawl is sort of a mini-game that you can complete throughout the duration of the Battle Pass. As you can see from the map, Cavern Crawl is filled with tons of paths that lead to certain rewards. And to move from one step to another, you have to win with certain heroes. There will be obstacles and more rewards along the way and you can even collect certain tools to help you progress!

For 2022’s Battle Pass, Cavern Crawl has plenty of rewards. By completing quests, you’ll get Battle points, Plus Shards, and exclusive Item sets.

There are a total of six item sets you can get from completing certain paths. Three of them are Dota 2 special hero sets and three are high-value chests. The hero sets also have different styles or variations which you can unlock by collecting fragments. These fragments drop randomly when you complete quests.

Here are all the exclusive rewards you can get by completing paths on Cavern Crawl:

There are two versions of the Cavern Crawl map that you can complete. One is called The Fires of Ulmarain and the other is The Chasm of Blueheart. The two versions have different sets of quests and an alternate style to the cosmetic rewards.

The massive Cavern Crawl map is divided into three sections: Support, Carry, and Utility. At the end of each path, stands a reward. If you want to claim a specific hero set or treasure, set off on a path that can lead to the reward. Or you can randomly go for any quests you prefer to complete.

To make progress, you have to win with a specific hero at different checkpoints. For example, this checkpoint requires you to win a game with Treant Protector. By doing so, you’ll advance to the next step.

Some quests give you the option to play more than one hero. For example, this checkpoint requires you to win with a ‘victorious support hero from TI10 Finals’. Winning a game with any of these heroes will move you to the next checkpoint.

However, some paths are not as simple to cross. You might stumble upon a Fire Wall or a Lava Flow that blocks you from progressing. To pass these obstacles, you require certain tools.

Cavern Crawl tools are extremely helpful for you to progress on the map. There are five tools in total that you can collect which are:

You can see the tools that you currently have in your inventory.

Throughout your time completing quests, you’ll randomly receive tool drops. You can also get them from Battle Pass rewards.

To make it easier for you, check the Map Legend tab near your inventory to maneuver the map and tools better.

While it says that you need to win a game with a specific hero, not all game modes are counted. Typically players go for All pick (Ranked and Unranked) and Turbo to complete the quests. Some players also said that Single Draft games count.

For Turbo mode, you need to win twice to complete the quest. One win wounds the hero, and the second one defeats them. You can also use the Culling Blade tool to finish off a wounded hero.

Cavern Crawl, which expires simultaneously with the Battle Pass, ends on January 12th, 2023.

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