The most memorable Arcane quotes from the Netflix League of Legends anime

1Play LOL News
Nov 09

A compelling story, colorful characters, bewitching soundtrack, and writing that resonates through the heart — yes, Arcane has got them all. The League of Legends animated show has become a hit series on Netflix, beating other giants such as “Squid Game” and You”.

With a total of nine episodes for its first season, a lot has been said and done by our beloved Arcane champions and characters. Here are the most memorable lines and exchanges from the show.

Arcane quote by: VioletArcane episode: 1

The show’s pilot episode already showcased young Vi’s feisty nature. After getting in a heated argument against her foster father Vander, Vi delivered this Arcane quote referring to Vander’s cautiousness around Piltover matters.

Arcane quote by: VanderArcane episode: 1

Of course, Vander has a retort against Vi’s teenage ideals. His words were rooted from his tragic experience after launching an uprising against Piltover’s elite community. The full Arcane quote goes:

“When people look up to you, you don’t get to be selfish. You say run, they run. You say swim, they dive in. You say light a fire, they show up with oil. But whatever happens, it’s on you.”

Arcane quote by: ViArcane episode: 1

We all know that Vi loves her sister, Powder (Jinx), more than anything in the world. This line proves how much Powder means to Violet, comforting her after their unfortunate encounter with Deckard’s gang.

Arcane quote by: ViArcane episode: 1

Without even knowing it, Vi might have foreshadowed their fate with this line.

Powder would later grow up to become Silco’s right-hand and would rename herself Jinx as part of the process. Meanwhile, Vi, after being imprisoned for years, would later redeem herself as a Piltover enforcer as indicated in her League of Legends lore.

Arcane quote by: HeimerdingerArcane episode: 2

Heimerdinger’s first few lines in the show immediately establish the way his curious mind works. As the Dean of the Academy, Heimerdinger pays Jayce a visit and gives him advice regarding the Arcane technology.

Arcane quote by: HeimerdingerArcane episode: 2

This Arcane quote proves Heimerdinger is not just a man of science, but a man of integrity as well. He knows his ethics as a scientist and strongly believes that observations and experiments should not bring any harm to any living creature.

Arcane quote by: VanderArcane episode: 2

Being the natural leader that he is, Vander tries to motivate the Lanes (the people of the underground) amidst the looming threats from the Piltover enforcers.

Arcane quote by: JayceArcane episode: 2

Jayce tries to convince the council that his Hextech discoveries will pay off soon if they would only support his experiments.

Arcane quote by: HeimerdingerArcane episode: 2

Heimerdinger is totally against the use of Hextech technology. However, as a fellow scientist, he understands Jayce and Viktor’s sentiments on the possibilities that Arcane could bring to Piltover.

Arcane quote by: SilcoArcane episode: 2

Admit it — Silco has the best lines in the show, and it’s all thanks to the hatred and revenge buried in his heart.

Arcane quote by: SilcoArcane episode: 2

Another banger Silco quote, Silco recalls his younger years and imparts wisdom to Deckard. The last line reveals Silco’s determination to acquire power

Arcane quote by: Caitlyn and JayceArcane episode: 2

Jayce and Caitlyn was the tandem we never knew we needed in Arcane. Their friendship continues even after Caitlyn’s parents banished Jayce from the Kiramman residence.

Arcane quote by: ViktorArcane episode: 2

One of the most inspiring characters in the show is Viktor, a handicapped scientist who continues to pursue his dreams despite his disability. He tries to pass some of his passion to the grief-stricken Jayce to continue his research on Hextech technology.

Arcane quote by: ViktorArcane episode: 2

Viktor decides to back up Jayce’s discoveries despite Heimerdinger and the council’s strong disapproval to Hextech technology.

Arcane quote by: ViArcane episode: 2

Taking into consideration their friends Mylo and Claggor, Powder seems a bit different from the pack. She’s more strategic and intellectual, unlike Vi who’s a natural brawler.

Vi wants Powder to accept and embrace her unique personality.

Arcane quote by: VanderArcane episode: 2

This death flag line was one of Vander’s final messages to Vi. The foster father knows that behind her troublesome nature is a Violet that only deeply cares for her family and friends.

Arcane quote by: SilcoArcane episode: 3

Silco and Vander’s friendship has been dead for several years now, but the former has kept the hatred in his heart well and alive. Silco’s revenge became his ultimate motivation to strive for power and surpass Vander throughout those years.

Arcane quote by: MelArcane episode: 3

Mel Medarda is a sensible woman, which is why she decided to give Jayce and Viktor a chance to prove the power of the Hextech technology behind the council’s back.

Arcane quote by: ViArcane episode: 3

In an emotional scene in the Act 1 finale, Vi tells Powder how much she means to her and strictly orders her to stay at home where she will be safe and sound.

Arcane quote by: SilcoArcane episode: 3

Silco’s powerful words wrapped up Arcane Act 1. He found Powder lying and crying on the ground, and, instead of killing her, started comforting her amidst the post-explosion chaos around them.

Arcane quote by: SilcoArcane episode: 5

Silco recalls the fateful day that he got betrayed by Vander, and tells Jinx how he let his weak side die the moment his brother turned his back on him.

Arcane quote by: SilcoArcane episode: 5

Silco convinces Jinx to submerge herself in the toxic rivers of Zaun, which has been festered with his deadly purple serum, Shimmer.

Arcane quote by: SingedArcane episode: 6

Episode 6 opens with a fateful encounter between Singed and Viktor. The two instantly hit it off, with Singed realizing Viktor’s situation as a young, discriminated cripple.

Arcane quote by: HeimerdingerArcane episode: 6

In a heart-to-heart talk with Viktor, Heimerdinger consoles his dying student and tells him to be proud of his accomplishments.

Arcane quote by: JayceArcane episode: 6

The unexpected romance between Mel and Jayce has blossomed in Arcane episode 6. Here we see Jayce letting down his walls and confiding his troubles with Mel.

Arcane quote by: MelArcane episode: 6

Mel encourages Jayce to accompany his close friend and savior Viktor in his last few days.

Arcane quote by: SingedArcane episode: 7

Singed warns Viktor about the consequences of taking his special tube of Shimmer. He also mentions Heimerdinger, with whom he parted ways because of their huge difference in scientific ethics.

Arcane quote by: Vi, EkkoArcane episode: 7

Vi grew up taking all the responsibility not just for her and Powder, but for her dear friends as well. She regrets her unfortunate disappearance, but Ekko comforts her and tells Vi to take it easy.

Arcane quote by: SilcoArcane episode: 7

Finn tries to stir up a rebellion against Silco and his leadership. However, the cunning villain has a trick up to his sleeve to hush the metal-jawed Finn.

Arcane quote by: SilcoArcane episode: 7

Jinx finds out that her sister is still alive and confronts Silco about hiding it from her. Silco convinces Jinx that he is only protecting her from Vi and that she can trust him as her foster father.

Arcane quote by: CaitlynArcane episode: 7

Caitlyn’s investigations opened her eyes to the real problems between Piltover’s topsiders and the underground.

Arcane quote by: ViktorArcane episode: 7

Viktor stands against Mel’s plan on using Hextech technology to create weapons. As he was defusing Jinx’s bomb, he expresses his clear opposition to Jayce.

Arcane quote by: ViArcane episode: 7

Vi parts ways with Caitlyn, with who she grew close during the short time that they spent together in the underground.

Arcane quote by: Ambessa MedardaArcane episode: 8

We get a glimpse at Mel’s childhood, and how she had a strict upbringing under Ambessa Medarda, her mother, and a Noxian warlord. Ambessa gives her daughter some advice in hopes of further toughening her up.

Arcane quote by: Ambessa MedardaArcane episode: 8

Ambessa was willing to give Mel a throne, as long as she can follow her ways of violence and war. Later on, Mel would be banished from the Medarda clan because of her advocacy for diplomacy and contempt for violence.

Arcane quote by: Ambessa MedardaArcane episode: 8

Ambessa shows Mel the art of war, with brutality and merciless killing at its core. She orders to behead a young girl to show Mel what it takes to become a ruthless leader.

Arcane quote by: SingedArcane episode: 8

On the brink of death, Silco rushes Jinx to Singed’s laboratory in hopes of saving her from the explosion. Singed warns Silco about the operation and even suggests that Jinx might not be able to withstand the process because of her severe injuries.

Arcane quote by: ViArcane episode: 8

Vi recalls her childhood days with her sibling, Powder — how the two used to pretend they were monsters and how the latter would get scared by the former’s acting.

Vi also confides her regrets to Caitlyn about leaving her sister behind when they were younger.

Arcane quote by: JayceArcane episode: 8

Ambessa meets Jayce for the first time and reprimands him about the way the Council runs things in Piltover. As a rebuttal, Jayce reminds her of Piltover’s strength and why they became known as the City of Progress in Runeterra.

Arcane quote by: Caitlyn, ViArcane episode: 8

After getting shut down by the Council, Vi and Caitlyn engage in a heartbreaking conversation emphasizing the gap between Piltover’s topside and bottom.

Arcane quote by: ViArcane episode: 9

Jayce gets discouraged after killing one of Silco’s henchmen, who turned out to be a young boy. Vi gives Jayce the ugly truth that Silco might be using more kids and innocent people to deal Shimmer in the underground.

Arcane quote by: SkyArcane episode: 9

Another bittersweet moment in the series, Viktor learns about Sky’s deep admiration for him after she turns to dust.

Arcane quote by: Ambessa MedardaArcane episode: 9

This line just proves how much a mother, not to mention a Noxian warlord, is willing to take just to keep her family complete.

Arcane quote by: EkkoArcane episode: 9

Ekko shows Heimerdinger the magical community that thrived just below Piltover.

Arcane quote by: SilcoArcane episode: 9

Silco drops by Vander’s statue and talks his troubles away. He can finally achieve everything they’ve ever wanted for the underground, but for a hefty price — sovereignty in exchange for his adopted daughter, Jinx.

Arcane quote by: ViArcane episode: 9

Vi recalls her time at the prison and all the hardships that she got through, thanks to the thought of reuniting with her sister.

Arcane quote by: SilcoArcane episode: 9

Silco’s last words prove his pure love for Jinx, who he adopted and raised as his own. The scene reveals that he never even considered surrendering her to Piltover, even though he’ll gain everything that he’s been fighting for in exchange.

Arcane quote by: JinxArcane episode: 9

Arcane Season 1 concludes with Jinx leaving her old self behind. To solidify her decision, she picks up her blaster, Fishbones, and sends a deadly rocket towards the Piltover council — the fulfillment of Silco’s plan.

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