New Update 2.2.0 Glitch In Erangle Map

Kaya toast4887
Nov 02

In update 2.2.0 there is glitch in Erangle map in Pochinki.Many human beings use this glitch and kill players.

while some you this glitch and cross inside the Tree.when a few one use this glitch there isn't any way to kill them, but glitch character kill each one.This glitch is to risky due to the fact you can not see glitch character.

The downside of this glitch is that, while you kill a person and player report you after match your account get banned

share your story in
feedback in case you in which killed by using enemy with this glitch
and another records related to this glitch.

be aware: This content is made for awarenes motive please do not do that glitch in game because you may get ban on you account.

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