PUBGM Update 2.2.0 Black Market shop Glitch Fixed Now.

Rendang daging26
Oct 23

This Glitch is located in different locations with the help of this black market shop skill.

In the Nusa Map Science Center,
Erangle Map Georgopol container many other many players use this glitch to promote unfair games.

Now, this Glitch is fixed in 11MB update there is feature add to back Market skill when you place this shop near wall or cover there notification show on your is Failed to Place.

This feature is very helpful for fair game play and also quick response by game official on report bug 🐛 and take a quick action fixed it.

Thank you PUBGM for take a action timely and quick response to support the fair game play.

What is your opinion about this glitch fixed by PUBGM officials?
Share your feedback Thank you.

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