TI11 Group Stage meta: Most picked, banned, uncontested heroes, and more

1Play DOTA2 News
Oct 21

The Group Stage for TI11 is now over and it’s time to present the meta. Throughout four days of the Group Stage, a total of 183 matches were played. We now have a clearer look at how the overall meta is going to be by the end of TI11. So far, Enigma is the most feared hero, Marci is the most contested hero, and eight more heroes are left untouched. Let’s dive deeper into the stats!

[Stats are referred from Spectral.gg]

Marci is by far the most popular hero at TI11. She is mainly played as a support and has a 50% win rate. Shadow Fiend makes a comeback this season from a long time in the slump. It is the 2nd most-picked hero with an impressive 54.9% win rate. In 3rd place is Undying, who has 63 picks in total with a 49.2% win rate.

Enigma is no doubt the most broken (and the most hated) hero at TI11 so far. The hero received the ban hammer 116 times in 163 matches that it was contested in – scoring a 57% overall win rate.

Marci is overwhelmingly popular as it is not only picked 76 times but banned 105 times. This makes Marci the most contested hero at the tournament, appearing in 181 over 183 total matches. Batrider follows behind Marci with 101 bans. Unlike most heroes on the list, Batrider has an awful 16.7% win rate. Batrider is mainly targeted by Chinese teams with 11 bans from PSG.LGD and 12 bans from Team Aster.

Next is the Primal Beast, Dota 2’s newest hero that is making waves at TI11. PB has 95 bans so far and is generally a popular ban among all teams throughout the Group Stage. Morphling also enters the top 5 most banned heroes, mainly banned by Evil Geniuses (8 bans) and BOOM Esports (10 bans).

Next is the Primal Beast, Dota 2’s newest hero that is making waves at TI11. PB has 95 bans so far and is generally a popular ban among all teams throughout the Group Stage. Morphling also enters the top 5 most banned heroes, mainly banned by Evil Geniuses (8 bans) and BOOM Esports (10 bans).

Shadow Fiend, a hero traditionally played in the midlane is currently the most popular carry hero at TI11. This hero has a strong laning presence with high damage and agility that makes it perfect for the carry role. Out of all carry players, Arteezy played Shadow Fiend the most. He played the hero 7 times throughout TI11 Group Stage, scoring a mind-boggling 100% win rate.

Leshrac is a powerful midlane hero with most teams having picked the hero at least once. Despite being heavily banned throughout TI11 Group Stage, Enigma is still the most picked offlane hero. Marci is an evergreen pick that can serve as both pos 4 and pos 5, but it is mainly played as soft support. Just like Marci, Undying is a popular pick in the support role. It is picked 29 times as a pos 4 and 25 times as a pos 5.

Heroes that are uncontested are those that were not picked or banned. So far, TI11 has not seen a single pick or ban for these 8 heroes: Windranger, Dragon Knight, Clinkz, Bounty Hunter, Meepo, Treant Protector, Keeper of the Light, and Techies.

In case you are here for the Battle Pass predictions, we got you. In the heroes category, there are 10 meta-prediction questions and the result will be determined by the end of TI11. Here is how the stats from TI11 Group Stage would fit the predictions.

The most-picked hero is Marci with 76 picks and the most-banned hero is Enigma with 116 bans. Gyrocopter has the highest win rate (5+ games) with 5 picks and a 100% win rate. The hero with the highest assist average (5+ games) is Earth Spirit who has 6 picks and scored a 20.2 average assist.

The hero with the lowest death average (5+ games) is Lifestealer. This hero has 16 picks and scored a 1.9 death average. The hero with the highest last hit average (5+ games) is Naga Siren, with 23 picks and an average of 542 last hits. The highest XPM average (5+ games) goes to Gyrocopter – with 5 picks and an 846 average XPM.

The hero which scored the highest kill score in a single game is Bloodseeker. Secret’s Crystallis played Bloodseeker against Team Spirit G2, scoring a final K/D/A of 25/2/13. The hero with the most last hits in a single game is Naga Siren. In Game 1 of Fnatic vs Team Aster, Monet accumulated a total last hits score of 1,196.

All stats are based on data from Spectral.gg. Stick around our site for more TI11 news and updates!

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