Bonus Points

Oct 10 · Moderator

Now that two weeks has ended let's talk about bonus points for respective Malaysian team that participated in the League!

Yoodo Alliance (22)
-Despite their subpar performance in Week 2, they still is the best performing Malaysia team at the moment.
-The Firepower is still strong and Syamil provide plenty of support which made them win even though they rushing for zone.
-Somehow bad coordination when it's a 4v4 situation (especially in compound).

GeekFam (22)
-Definitely starting to heat up and bring the fight to the rest of the SEA.
-Probably try a more passive gameplay like what they did in PMPL SEA S4 and focus more on zone.
-Can take some cues from Genexus as most Thai teams has repetitive strategies to go to middle after the 3rd/4th zone.

SEM9 (13)
-Even though they at bottom half of 2nd leaderboard for two weeks straight, still manage to gather enough points to be in #15
-Consistent enough as of now, but probably won't make it if this keeps up.
-Should prevent taking fights too early or split too wide as that's the reason they lose teammates early most of the times.

4Rivals (11)
-Performance steadily drop after first two days.
-Maybe they should replace Pemburu with Jumper to make the game less stressful (u know what happens when Pemburu mad)
-Try not to take fights like classic players (in one game they literally all camping in the same house like typical classic games)

Don't Break Dreams (4)
-Its their first SEA so it's understandable.
-They had some good games and JimmyOP is really doing a good job as IGL.
-At this point,they must have a very good game in Week 3 to qualify into next stage.
-Circle seems to not favouring them (is it because MosGoku not playing?)

And that's sums up the bonus points for Malaysian team after Week 2, do you think All Malaysian Teams can qualify to the next stage?

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