Please tell your Nami support to change their runes in LoL patch 12.17

1Play LOL News
Sep 13
I’ve got sad news for the Lucian-Nami abusers in bot lane.

League of Legends patch 12.17 indirectly nerfs their power by taking down Nami’s best rune set many notches.

Running Electrocute in the Domination tree and procing it by casting Tidecaller’s Blessing onto the AD carry has been a staple for pairings at bot. This is especially the case with Lucian, one of the strongest AD carries in the current meta who lanes well and peaks from early to mid-game.

According to Riot Games’ patch notes, their intention is to change “how Nami’s E counts toward Electrocute to be more in line with similar abilities.”

E – Tidecaller’s Blessing

Maximizing Lucian-Nami at bot involves procing Electrocute whenever it is off cooldown to win trades, which in turn greatly pressures the opposing duo.

However, with the removal of the Electrocute interaction, the duo’s offensive power will definitely dip. The only time where Electrocute can actually proc now is when Nami lands three separate abilities onto an enemy champion during combos, which is more typical for assassin mages.

Going back to the typical Sorcery runes, she’s back to running Aery like every other enchanter support. While it doesn’t change the aggressive Lucian-Nami playstyle, it will be less punishing for opponents.

Sorcery tree


Read the full League of Legends patch 12.17 here.

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