Roamer 101: Mastering the Art of PIGS for Newbies

Jan 14

Roaming in the realm of Mobile Legends is an art, and to become a formidable roamer, one must focus on the essence of PIGS – Protect, Initiate, Guard, and See. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the basics of being a fat gold roamer without succumbing to the plebeian ways of farming.

The PIGS Strategy:

P - Protect Your Teammate:
Tank damage, heal, and buff your teammates. Your role is to be the shield and support that ensures your team's survival. Whether it's absorbing damage in a team fight or providing crucial heals, your presence should be felt.

I - Initiate Team Fights and Gank:
Take charge and initiate team fights for your team. Roamers are the catalysts that make things happen. Gank enemies, disrupt their plans, and create opportunities for your team to capitalize on.

G - Guard Neutral Objectives and Bushes:
Be the guardian of neutral objectives like Turtle and Lord. Control the map by guarding crucial bushes. Your vigilance prevents any funny monkey business from occurring without your watchful eyes.

S - See through the Map and Ping Like Mad:
Map awareness is your superpower. Keep an eye on the map at all times. If you spot any monkey business, ping it like a madman. Your timely alerts can save your team from unexpected surprises.
Newbie Roamer Heroes:

Tigreal and Edith:
For those who love tanky heroes that can manhandle 9 people.

Hilda and Franco:
If you enjoy roaming, harassing, and making enemies lead a miserable life due to being underleveled.

Rafaela, Estes, and Floryn:
For the saintly roamer who wishes to bring a touch of healing to the battlefield.

For those who love them all and can switch roles effortlessly.
Embrace the PIGS strategy, and soon you'll be the roamer everyone wants on their team. 🐷✨

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