Mobile Legends Lylia guide: Best build, skills, emblem, combos

1Play MLBB News
Jan 05

Armed with the power of Dark Magic, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang mage Lylia seeks to prove to the world that good and evil are determined by those who wield magic, and not the nature of magic itself.

This pint-sized hero is a powerhouse of destruction and control, proving that great things often come in small packages.

Her unique abilities make her a versatile hero capable of fitting into various team compositions. She excels in a poke-and-burst playstyle, where she can zone out enemies and deal consistent damage.

While she may require more strategy and finesse, the payoff is a deadly hero who can control the battlefield and secure that sweet match victory.

In this ONE Esports guide, we dive into her abilities, strategies, and the best build to maximize her potential.

Passive – Angry Gloom

Lylia gets power from Gloom, increasing her movement speed by a percentage whenever she is within the area of Gloom. Additionally, every time Gloom is upgraded, her movement speed increases, stacking up to a certain number of times capped at a defined percentage movement speed increase.

First skill – Magic Shockwave

Lylia sends out Gloom in a line, dealing Magic Damage to enemies along the path and slowing them by a percentage for a duration. If Gloom touches Shadow Energy, he will devour and detonate it.

Second skill – Shadow Energy

Lylia condenses Shadow Energy at a location, dealing Magic Damage to enemies hit and slowing them for a duration. If Shadow Energy is detonated by Gloom or Magic Shockwave, it will detonate to deal an additional Magic Damage and turn the Shadow Energy to Gloom for a couple of seconds.

During this time, Gloom can then detonate additional Shadow Energies within his range, resetting his timer and moving to the Shadow Energy’s location in each instance.

Ultimate – Black Shoes

Lylia returns to the Black Shoes’ location a couple of seconds ago and restores all her Shadow Energy charges, her HP, and Mana to the previous state, and gets extra HP. She also gains Movement Speed for a short time. She will also be untargetable while teleporting.

Unlike many mages who are limited in battle spells, Lylia can work well with various spells depending on your playstyle. Flicker is applicable, but Sprint gives her more utility as it has a lower cooldown and provides more chances to play aggressively.

For a more defensive approach, Purify is a good option. It is mostly applicable when there’s heavy crowd control on the enemy team since Lylia can have another escape mechanism when her Black Shoes ultimate is not available.

Flameshot is another good spell to have. It can be played offensively, as the skill shot can be launched to secure kills. Defensively, it can be used to create space and push enemies back when they are trying to close the gap.

On the Mage Emblem, take Rupture as the first-tier talent. This ensures that she can impact the early game better with your damage with the boost in penetration.

Weapons Master gives you more scaling as the game transitions to the mid to late game thanks to the percentage increase in Magic Power from emblems, talents, and equipment.

Finally, take Lethal Ignition as the main talent. This synchronizes well with the playstyle of the mage. As you spam the Magic Shockwave and Shadow Energy bombs, you will inflict additional damage on the enemy.

To maximize Lylia’s effectiveness on the battlefield, focus on getting items that reduce her cooldown and increase her Magic Damage. Magic Boots and Enchanted Talisman ensure that you can use your Shadow Energy and Magic Shockwave frequently without lacking mana in the early game.

As for your next item, you can either go for the Ice Queen Wand or Glowing Wand and Holy Crystal depending on the situation. If you’re facing utility junglers and durable frontline heroes on the other side, it’s ideal to take Ice Queen Wand. Otherwise, go for Glowing Wand plus Holy Crystal.

Increase your Magic Penetration by getting Divine Glaive. This ensures your damage is scaling up until the late game. Cap off your item build with either a Genius Wand for more Magic Penetration, or Blood Wings for more Magic Power and shield.

The best build for Lylia in Mobile Legends

To dominate the battlefield with the Little Witch, you must master the art of bomb placement. Strategic placement of her Shadow Energy bombs can zone out enemies, control team fights, and even secure kills.

In the early game, use a combination of your Shadow Energy and Magic Shockwave to clear waves quickly. If you want to be aggressive in the lane, you can place this in locations near the enemy turrets to poke opponents and zone them out.

Heroes with crowd-control abilities work well with Lylia as it will make it easier for you to hit and detonate your bombs. Heroes like Atlas, Tigreal, Minotaur, and Terizla are good partners for the mage.

Timing her ultimate right is also crucial. Using Black Shoes not just as an escape mechanism, but also as a way to dodge enemy abilities can turn the outcome of fights.

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Calvin Trilles  ONEESPORTS  2024-01-05 12:00:00
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