Exclusive: How to play tank Chou like a pro — a guide by ECHO’s star roamer Yawi

1Play MLBB News
Jan 02

Updated on January 2, 1:03 p.m. (GMT+8): Added relevant links and images.

There were a lot of things to talk about when ECHO lifted the M4 World Championship trophy.

From Karl “KarlTzy” Nepomuceno‘s sudden switch from flashy assassin heroes to utility junglers, to newcomers Sanford “Sanford” Vinuya‘s and Alston “Sanji” Pabico’s rise to fame, every player had a story to tell.

One story that stood out is Tristan “Yawi” Cabrera‘s performance on tank Chou. After years of playing the hero in competitive play, he finally cemented himself as the best Chou player after a dominant performance on the world stage.

Chou was such an impactful hero that it was the hero that it was given the M4 skin, the first time a fighter hero received the exclusive championship skin.

So how does he do it?

In an exclusive interview with ONE Esports during M4, the superstar roamer shared three things you should know if you want to follow in his footsteps to become the next Chou God in MLBB.

“First off, you shouldn’t use Jeet Kune Do all the time,” he said. “This is to save the skill whenever you actually need it.”

Since higher-ranked players can easily predict the first skill, Yawi recommended making use of the bushes to surprise enemies and connect the stun on the third cast.

“It’s best if you don’t use Jeet Kune Do in front of enemies,” he added.

His last and most important tip is what every roamer, not just tank Chou players, should remember when playing in ranked.

“Map awareness is the most important,” Yawi said.

While these tips are useful for those who already know how to play the Kung-Fu Boy, he still stressed the importance of playing the hero repeatedly in ranked games and watching how the pros play him in a competitive setting.

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Jules Elona  ONEESPORTS  2024-01-02 13:00:00
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