Hayabusa's Revamp: Strategic Buff Suggestions

Dec 13

Revitalizing Hayabusa: Buff Suggestions for a Stealthy Comeback

Hayabusa, while having a promising kit, often falls short in the practicality department, especially in the current healer support meta that encourages team clustering. Here's a modest yet impactful buff suggestion to bring Hayabusa back into the limelight:

Passive: Increase Stacks from 4 to 8

Boosting his stacks enhances his single-target assassination prowess without turning him into an overwhelming force. This adjustment provides a 100% lock onto his target, elevating his skill ceiling by requiring more strategic switching between shadows to reset his S1 cooldown and apply additional stacks.

S1: No Change Needed

Hayabusa's S1 remains untouched as it performs well in its current state.

S2: Decrease CD When Switching Between Shadows to 0

Eliminate the delay when switching between shadows, allowing for instantaneous transitions. This alteration enhances his combo potential, enabling players to execute intricate maneuvers quickly and accumulate more stacks efficiently.

Ultimate: Remove Canceling with Flicker and Blink Skills

To address the myriad ways to outplay his ult, removing the ability to cancel it with flicker or other blink skills adds fairness to the equation. This adjustment aligns with the challenge and cooldown of his ultimate, making it a more formidable threat in the battlefield.

Additionally, granting him the ability to use retribution during his ult puts him on par with other assassins who can execute actions during their invincible states.

These changes aim to empower Hayabusa players with more diverse combo options and offer rewarding incentives for executing them effectively. What are your thoughts on these proposed buffs? Too much or just the right touch? Share your opinions! 🗡️💬

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