Best Hero to smurf with?

Nov 06

Welcome back to Mobile Legends! The meta and hero balance can change over time, so it's always a good idea to check the most recent tier lists or patch notes for up-to-date information. That said, as of my last knowledge update in early 2022, I can offer some insights into strong heroes for each role:

Jungle: It's true that newer heroes tend to be strong initially, but established junglers like Ling and Benedetta were also quite powerful. Always keep an eye on the latest patches and updates for changes in the meta.

Mage: Novaria is indeed a strong mage, but heroes like Pharsa, Kagura, and Lunox were also strong choices. Again, this may have changed with updates.

Marksman: Wanwan was a strong choice, and other marksmen like Granger, Claude, and Karrie were often considered top-tier. However, the strength of marksmen can vary with each patch.

Fighter: Yu Zhong and Arlott were good choices. Fighters like Aldous, Leomord, and Chou have historically been strong in various patches.

Roam/Support: Selena isn't typically played as a support. Heroes like Diggie, Kaja, and Angela have been strong support choices. Selena is generally played as a mage or assassin.

Keep in mind that the game's balance can shift with updates and patches, and player skills and teamwork also play a significant role in ranking up. It's a good idea to experiment with heroes and roles to find what suits your playstyle and the current meta. Additionally, staying updated with the game's community, tier lists, and patch notes will help you make informed decisions on hero choices. Good luck on your journey back to Mythical Glory!

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