Support Item Debate in MOBAs

Oct 30

One of the arguments that I find really frustrating and unfounded is the criticism of the new support item in the context of MOBA games.

People often complain that support heroes have their own item, saying, “Why don’t other roles get dedicated items too?” This argument irks me because, in reality, all other roles already have specialized items.

Marksman, Fighters, Mages, and Tanks each have their own itemization paths, such as attack speed and crit for marksmen, lifesteal/spell vamp for fighters, mage-specific items, and tank items for tanks. While supports can technically use mage items, they don’t benefit as much from them, especially when it comes to healing.

The same goes for items like War Axe, which is designed primarily for Assassins and Fighters but faced criticism from some quarters. Tanks have items like Cursed Helmet and Thunder Belt, which cater to high HP heroes, benefiting tanks the most. Marksmen also have their dedicated crit and attack speed builds.

So, the argument that supports are unfairly favored with their item is, in my view, misguided.

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