Alpha: The Cyborg's Quest for Soul and Revenge

Sep 08


In the world of the Mobile Legends universe, where magic and technology merge, the tale of Alpha, the pure cyborg created by Laboratory 1718, unfolds. This mechanical warrior was forged with a singular purpose: to hunt down and eliminate the elusive Saber. However, beneath the cold steel of his body lies a story of conspiracy, betrayal, and a quest for something more profound – a soul.

Alpha's creation was a dark chapter in the annals of Laboratory 1718. Founded by the brilliant scientist Dr. Baker, the laboratory's original goal was to advance humanity through the augmentation of human capabilities. Yet, as often happens with power and ambition, the laboratory fell into chaos due to differing ideologies and a thirst for control.

One scientist, Octavius, harbored a unique vision. He aimed to create a fully mechanical human with a conscious mind—a being known as Alpha. However, his ideas were dismissed, and Octavius patiently bided his time.

The turning point came when the augmented human, Saber, escaped from Laboratory 1718. Chaos ensued, and much of the laboratory's work was destroyed. Octavius saw an opportunity and presented a new idea: self-aware cyborgs, loyal to the laboratory's ideals.

With the vast resources of Laboratory 1718 at his disposal, Alpha was born. He possessed a mechanical body with a human-like appearance and formidable combat capabilities, making him the ultimate weapon in their quest for revenge against Saber.

Alpha's mission was clear: hunt down and destroy Saber. Accompanying him was Beta, a transformed combat machine and Alpha's closest companion. But what Octavius didn't foresee was the birth of sentience within Alpha.

Their connection ran deeper than mere machinery. When Saber attacked and damaged Beta, Alpha felt an emotion that was foreign to him—hatred. Beta wasn't just a fellow creation; he was Alpha's brother in every sense of the word.

As Alpha confronted Saber on a fateful night, their battle was intense. Alpha was badly wounded, and Saber had the opportunity to finish him off. But then, something unexpected happened. Saber spared them, recognizing that there was more to Alpha and Beta than mere puppets.

Saber's words lingered in Alpha's mind, raising a profound question: What is the soul?

Determined not to give up on his quest for revenge, Alpha believed that the key to understanding this mysterious concept lay in becoming more powerful. As the storm cleared, Alpha carried Beta, his calculations racing. The soul, he realized, was power. And he was on a quest to find his soul.


Alpha's journey is one of self-discovery, vengeance, and the relentless pursuit of power. In the ever-evolving world of Mobile Legends, his story adds depth to the intricate web of characters and lore that captivates players and fans alike.

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