Selena Countering Tips: Share Yours!

Aug 13

Selena, the Abyssal Witch, can be a formidable opponent in Mobile Legends with her burst damage and crowd control abilities. However, every hero has weaknesses that can be exploited with the right tactics. If you find yourself facing Selena in the battlefield, here are some expert tips to help you counter her effectively:

  1. Stay Wary of Map Awareness: Selena's Abyssal Traps grant her vision across the map. Keep an eye on your surroundings and be cautious when moving through areas that could be trapped.
  2. Group Up: Selena excels at catching isolated targets. Sticking with your team reduces her chances of picking you off alone.
  3. Break Abyssal Traps: Clear her traps whenever possible to deny her vision and stun opportunities.
  4. Prioritize Mobility: Heroes with dashes or blinks can evade Selena's skill shots and traps, making it harder for her to land her stuns.
  5. Predict Her Combos: Try to anticipate Selena's skill shots and movements to dodge her stuns.
  6. Magic Resistance: Building magic resistance items can mitigate her burst damage.
  7. Use Crowd Control: Initiating with crowd control abilities disrupts Selena's combos and limits her effectiveness.
  8. Exploit Her Positioning: If Selena is caught out of position, take advantage of her lack of escape abilities.
  9. Teamwork: Grouping up in team fights reduces her ability to isolate targets and makes it harder for her to land her combos.
  10. Strategic Warding: Placing wards strategically helps spot Selena's traps and movements.

Have you faced Selena on the battlefield? Do you have any other tips or strategies that have worked well for you? We'd love to hear from you! Share your comments and feedback below. Let's master the art of countering Selena together! 💬🔥

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