August 2023: Ling's Ascension in the Assassin Tier List

Aug 03

Ling is ranked highly in the Assassin tier list for several reasons:

  1. Farming Speed: With the recent emblem system revamp, Ling can now keep up in terms of farming speed against tank utility junglers, allowing him to quickly gain experience and gold to scale well into the late game.
  2. Split Pushing Capability: Ling's split-pushing ability is exceptional. He can push lanes and take down turrets quickly, putting immense pressure on the enemy team and creating map control opportunities for his team.
  3. Mobility: Ling possesses one of the highest levels of mobility among assassins in the game. His ability to traverse the map and engage or disengage fights with ease makes him a formidable threat, especially in the hands of skilled players.
  4. Synergy with Angela: When paired with the support hero Angela, Ling becomes even more dangerous. Angela's ultimate ability allows her to attach to Ling, granting him additional damage and sustain, making him an even deadlier assassin in team fights.
  5. High Skill Cap: Ling is considered one of the hardest heroes to master in Mobile Legends. Skilled players who can effectively utilize his abilities and positioning can dominate matches and secure victories.

It's important to note that hero rankings can vary depending on the patch cycle, gameplay changes, and player preferences. While Ling is ranked high in the current meta, it doesn't mean he is an automatic win in every situation. Skill level and team composition also play a significant role in how effective a hero can be in any given match.

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