Paquito Blazing Tiger's Review

Jun 07

Paquito Blazing Tiger's Survey And Skill Effects
#mlbbsurvey #GG #mlbb

Skill effects pictures Credits to Mobile Legends Bang Bang YouTube

These designs doesn't have their own names so I'll be naming them myself.

Survey Winner
Theme : A boxer wielding both sun and ancient tiger spirit's mystical power

Survey loser
Theme : Futuristic justice enforcer

Survey loser
Theme : Futuristic bionic fighter

"As swift as wind, as fierce as fire"


Normal 1st skill

Enhanced 1st skill

Normal 2nd skill

Enhanced 2nd skill

"A tiger's head appearing"

Normal Ult (Don't mind the text on the pic it's just messed up)

Enhanced Ult

"The tiger's power lies within me"

"Fight with discipline. Win with honor"

"A tiger only shows his claws when necessary"

"Victory favors the braves"

Due to the problems with skill effects displays in-game, I was forced to use the promo video from MLBB's official YouTube channel ๐Ÿ˜…

Anyway great GREAT skin. Flashy, fierce and most importantly a good looking skin for Paq cuz his previous skins (except for the Manny Pacquiao skin) all looked like a... How can explain it? ๐Ÿค” He looked like a monkey.

But here he is finally looks like how he should be, a fierce powerful boxer with fiery eye aiming for victory in every match he entered.

Price : Roughly 5k dias (can be lowered using discount coupon etc)

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