Yu Zhong Revamped (Is a nerf in disguise)

Frenzy Official
May 28

Advance server UPdate : Yu Zhong
Revamped Yu Zhong (Experimental)

. (Removed) Cursing Touch : The eruption of YZ's passive upon reaching 5 stacks.

"No more auto heal and the original Hit and Run play" 👹

New Passive
. Yu Zhong gains stacks of passive everytime he deals damage to enemy hero.

. The passive is indicated under his HP bar

. Upon reaching 5 stacks, Yu Zhong will gain extra 30% Spell Vamp, 20% Mov Spd and 15 Physical Attack + 4 per lvl

. The passive will disappear slowly but Yu Zhong can replenish it by continuously dealing damage to enemy heroes (can use both skill & basic atk)

. If an enemy hero dies within 3s after receiving damage from Yu Zhong, Yu Zhong will gain additional passive stack

1st skill
. Cooldown : 7s - 5.5s >> 5s - 3.5s


YZ's hit and run playstyle is his way to shine, he's not build like other stay and fight heroes such as Lapu, Thamuz or even Joy.

The original bleeding passive is a game changer for it's almost guaranteed kill and massive sudden heal abilities.

I'm strongly against this revamp 👹.

The only players that will agree to this ridiculous revamp is those low tier players that are only looking for plain fun and doesn't even bother to rank up.

This abomination is being called out by various names such as : Boring Yu Zhong and Budget Uranus etc

Picture credits to ARTnicooo @Artstation


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