Rising Concerns

Sep 26 · Moderator

After the intense beat up given by the China teams and Top 3 Teams from other country who will be meeting Malaysia teams once again in PMPL SEA Fall Split. Should we be concerned about the teams situation and performance now?

After the final leaderboard is revealed yesterday, many of the esports fans show their disappointment through multiple post in Warga J (a famous page). Me too, because of my disappointment, didn't update any of the PMRC ranks,until the final day.

While We are fighting against the best teams in the region, it surely surprising to see all at the bottom three. Even the China best free-man, Paraboy. Gave a shout out to uHigh.

From my perspective,the placement point reduction plays a major factor in this tournament as Malaysian teams are known more for rotation and Tactical gameplay. (Not to say that Malaysia don't have firepower team, just that they prefer rotation and strategy) which is why Malaysian struggling in this tour.

There's also instances where SEM9 and Geek keeps fighting for the same dropspot even though there are some other places they can jump. This behavior is honestly questionable for me.

Anyhow, this game keeps evolving. Let's just hope that Malaysia teams can do their best in this PMPL SEA!

#News#Esports#PMPL SEA
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