[3 Aug] Daily Best Post and Best Comment Winners

Aug 15 · 1Play Official

Hi 1Players, announcing the daily 🔥 best post and best comment 🔥 winners for 3 Aug.

Best Posts [Rewards: 200 FreeFire Diamonds/ 120 UC/ 100 MLBB diamonds]
1. @Naruto Namikaze​
2. @Mikim Kudin​
3. @SeriotonSonPUBG​

Best Comments [Rewards: 100 FreeFire Diamonds/ 60 UC/ 50 MLBB diamonds]
1. @Naruto Namikaze​
2. @iJey4K​

First-time winners, please pm your in-game ID, server ID and IGN. You will receive your prizes within 1 week. For those who didn't win, don't give up, maybe tomorrow's winner will be you? 🎁 Please continue to enjoy the 1Play app and tell us how we can improve! 🔥

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